1 Summary of Changes
Revision Number | Revision Date | Author or Reviser | Nature of Change |
1.0 | Nov 13th 2014 | Victoria Jarrin | Initial Release |
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- Description
1.2 Description
RichCopy created a graphical interface for the Robocopy command-line utility, which provided file copying capabilities.This tool was created by Microsoft engineer Ken Tamaru in 2001, and it boasts a number of amazing features, including:
- Multithreaded copy
- Pause/restart
- Granular control
- Timer
- Purge original
- Move
- Destination check
- Profiles
- File exclusion/inclusion
- FTP copy
- Command-line options
This tool is useful for copying large amount of files from one machine to another.
1.3 RichCopy
1.3.1 Installing RichCopy
Download the RichCopy executable file (HoffmanUtilitySpotlight2009_04.exe), double-click it and wait until it has been fully installed
Once it is installed, it will be located in the Start menu under the Microsoft Rich Tools submenu. To start the program, click on the RichCopy subdirectory and then the RichCopy entry.
1.3.2 Main Window
Once it is open, follow these steps:
- Select a source file(s).
- Select a destination.
- Click the start button
Figure A
Click on the Options button to review all the available options (Figure B)
Figure B
1.3.3 Method
By selecting one of these options, you can customize the way files are being handled.For example:
- Purge: This will empty the contents of a source directory (but leave the directory behind) when the copy is complete.
- Move: Instead of copying the files, this will move the files to the destination.
- Consolidate: This will move multiple sources into one destination directory.
- Verify: This will compare with source file upon successful copy.
1.3.4 Mode
- Trickle: This option is currently unavailable.
- Preprocess: All files and directories are searched and checked before processing.
- Wait Target: RichCopy will wait for the copy until the configured amount of time has expired.
- Timer: specific date/time configuration for the current process.
1.3.5 Thread Number
- Directory search: Specify number of threads to use for a directory search.
- Directory copy: Specify number of threads to use for directory copy.
- File copy: Specify number of threads to use for file copy.
1.3.6 General
- Ignore read-only flag: If file has a read-only flag set, this will ignore it.
- Directory creation only: Copy directories only (no files).
- Create directory only when it has a child: If source directory has no child files or directories, the destination directory will not be created.Do not create destination directory if source directory is empty.
- Turn off system buffer:Do not use system cache for read/write.
- Serialize disk access:Minimize overhead by serializing all access. This does not limit threading
- Copy always:This optionwill force RichCopy to always copy and never compare files.
1.3.7 Copy If…
- Security: Compare security settings of files.
- Availability: Check if the file exists in destination.
- File size: Compare file sizes.
- Attribute: Compare attributes of both source and destination files.
- Time stamp: Compare time stamps of source and destination.
1.3.8 File filters
In the expanded tree view on the left side there will be two visible entries:
- Files to be included
- Files to be excluded
In the basic view only directories may be selected for copy,excluding single or group files within a directory. Next, the settings need to be added.
If there is a large image directory, but only the latest ones need to be copied, specific creation dates can be selected from the Files To Be Included, such as shown in Figure C:
Figure C
In this section select the same or Newer than Following Date on either the Files or Directories section. Once the option is selected, both date and time of creation for determining which files to copy can be determined.Names can be used as well. For example,if all the files containing IMG want to be added,use the wild card character and the word “*IMG”. This will copy all files with IMG in the file name to the destination.
NOTE: Once you set configuration options, those options will remain until you change them. You can create profiles by clicking the new button in the left pane. This way you can create multiple copy jobs with completely different options.