June 5, 2020

Monetary Demands Are Skyrocketing For Ransomware Decryptions

Ransomware attacks have evolved quite a lot over the course of the past year, and have become one of the most visible threats organizations of all sizes face. That is, based on recently published research conducted by Group-IB, which analyzed […]
May 21, 2020

Hackers Are Demanding Extra Ransomware Payments From Victims

Hackers who use ransomware to conduct their attacks have a new trick up their sleeves. A ransomware family has begun employing the tactic of not only demanding payment to unlock infected systems, but also demanding an additional payment. They’re demanding […]
February 20, 2020

CoronaVirus Scare Is Being Used By Scammers To Trick People

There is no low that hackers and scammers won’t stoop to. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued a warning about a worldwide scam in progress relating to fears surrounding the CoronaVirus. The FTC’s announcement speaks for itself. Their […]
January 7, 2020

FBI Sheds New Light On Ransomware Tactics

According to a recent FBI alert marked “TLP: AMBER,” businesses should be on high alert for ransomware attacks. The alert reads, in part, as follows: “Since January 2019, LockerGoga ransomware has targeted large corporations and organizations in the United States, […]
November 29, 2019

New Ransomware Targets Removable And Attached Drives

There’s a new and unusual ransomware strain making the rounds that you should be aware of. Called ‘AnteFrigus,’ it is primarily distributed via ‘malvertising’ that redirects users to the RIG exploit kit. One of the most unusual features of this […]
April 4, 2019

Ransomware Attackers Targeting Larger Companies For More Money

If you haven’t heard of the GrandCrab ransomware strain, it’s something you should put on your company’s radar.  It first emerged as a viable threat in early 2018. Since that time, its creators have been constantly tweaking and honing their […]
March 4, 2019

Average Ransomware Attack Payments Total $6,700 Per Incident

How much does a successful ransomware attack cost a victim on average?  The numbers will terrify you. Based on the latest statistics compiled by Coveware, each incident of a compromised computer costs a whopping $6,733, which is a hefty 13 […]