Google Chrome is one of the more commonly used web browsers. Over the years, though, Chrome has gained a reputation for utilizing a large portion of a computer’s memory. This can be a problem if you’re running other resource-intensive tasks […]
If you’re involved in information security in any capacity, you’re probably quite familiar with the infamous Emotet botnet. It’s one of the most dangerous and prolific botnets out there and it is a dire threat to organizations of all sizes. […]
Are you one of the legions of users making use of the Screencastify Chrome extension? It’s a fantastic Chrome extension that allows you to almost effortlessly create screencasts for a variety of purposes. Unfortunately, the web extension also suffers from […]
Are you a Google Chrome user? If so, be aware that the company recently released a stable version of Chrome 102 and is urging all users of its browser to update right away. The latest release contains a total of […]
Internet ads are annoying. People tend to go to great lengths to avoid them if possible which is why ad blocking software and browser extensions are so popular. One of the more popular options is AllBlock which is a Chromium […]
Do you use Google Chrome on your phone? If so you may have found yourself frustrated more than once by having to tap the “see more results” button because you were unable to find what you were looking for in […]
It’s good to be the King and in the world of search Google is the undisputed King. That fact has made the tech giant something of a target however. Google has been sued repeatedly and investigated by both the US […]
Google has had a long history of taking steps to make the web more secure for everyone. One of their early moves involved warning users via popup box when they surfed their way to a site that did not use […]
Google has recently released Chrome 92. The latest version of the browser includes a raft of high value updates and has fixes for a number of high severity security issues. Here’s a quick overview: Chrome for iOS now allows users […]